Lisa Anderson for Thomson Reuters Foundation – WNN Breaking (WNN/TRF) New York City, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS:  A Botswana court made history Tuesday by upholding the right of women to inherit under customary law and rejecting the tradition of males as sole heirs, according to a report in The Maravi Post. In a case heard by the appeals [&...Leggi Tutto
Paul Chiama, Chikelu Chinelo and Adah Abah – All Africa – Thursday, 05 August 2013 (originally published 30 Aug) As often said, beside every successful man, there is a woman. It has just come to the fore that every successful politician has a woman of great influence who plays along
Shell Shocked – The Age - Wednesday, 04 September 2013 (originally published 30  Aug ) She’s not that little but her dream is big. Sarah Liu, 27, works in a cosmetics house and runs a small wedding dress business but the impact she’s making is as the founder of Little Girl Big Dream, an
Mayela Sanchez for GPI – WNN GlobalARTS (WNN/GPI) Mexico City, MEXICO, AMERICAS: The last time that Julieta Ángel exercised was when she was a student. Now, the 72-year-old practices yoga twice a week at the Fábrica de Artes y Oficios de Oriente, a center that has brought arts and culture to
Stella Paul – WNN Features (WNN) New Delhi, INDIA, SOUTHERN ASIA: As security forces battle with Maoist insurgents in India, women village leaders known as ‘Sarpanches’ continue to struggle.  To fulfill their duties as heads of their local councils they must work constantly with
Human Rights Watch release / WNN Improve It (WNN/HRW) Dar Es Salaam, TANZANIA, EASTERN AFRICA: Children as young as eight years old are working in Tanzanian small-scale gold mines, with grave risks to their health and even their lives, HRW – Human Rights Watch said in a report just released
Gannon Gillespie – Guardian Professional - Thursday, 29 August 2013 (originally published 22 Aug) “A person’s family is not their village. The family includes one’s entire social network: their relatives in many surrounding villages, in all of the places they marry, even in
Hindu – Tuesday, 27 August 2013 (originally published 26 Aug) The Bill allows both parties to file for divorce on the ground of “irretrievable breakdown” of marriage. Rajya Sabha on Monday approved a proposal to make divorce friendly for women as it provides for the wife getting
WNN Breaking (WNN) Mumbai, INDIA, SOUTH ASIA: As India puts a microscope on issues of violence against women, the nation is reeling after another sexual attack has resulted in the gang-rape of a 22-year-old journalist who’s name has not been released to the public on Thursday August 22. On
The Guardian News – Global Development Professionals Network – Friday August 23, 2013 By the age of 17, Zeenat had been divorced three times after forced marriages. She first wed shortly after puberty to a man who abused her, an experience that recurred in her subsequent marriages. She
Our silence makes us participants in this crime. By Lucine Kasbarian Sexual slavery, forced labor and the extraction of body organs: These are the most common reasons for human trafficking, which represents an estimated USD32 billion per year in international trade. In 2008, the United Nations
Part of the reason why women have been so prominent in the recent protests. Guest Post from Zeynep Talay, a writer and sculptor, born in Istanbul and now living in London. The birth of the new royal baby in the UK was covered in Turkey as much as anywhere else, and it would be easy [...]...Leggi
Joe DeCapua for VOA – WNN Breaking (WNN/VOA) Basel, SWITZERLAND, WESTERN EUROPE: The origins of humans have been traced to Africa. And now, so have the origins of tuberculosis. New research shows the evolutionary trees of both humans and TB have grown side-by-side. TB bacteria originated in
Elsa Rizkallah – WNN Religion & Belief (WNN/CGN) Montreal, CANADA, AMERICAS: As the burqa controversy continues to make headlines in France, it is worth examining what France could learn from Canada, which has worked to reconcile freedom of religion with national security and women
Matt Pearce – Los Angeles Times – Monday, 03 September 2013 (originally published 02 Sept) In the end, emerging from the ocean wearing a blue cap and goggles — and having swum about 110 miles in 52 hours and 54 minutes — Diana Nyad still had enough strength to walk ashore Monday
Sudeshna Sarkar – IPS – Friday, 30 August 2013 (originally published 27 Aug) VARANASI, India , Aug 27 2013 (IPS) - Namuna Gautam was among millions of Indian women who celebrated Rakshabandhan this year, but one thing set her apart. It was the first time the 80-year-old took part in the
WNN Breaking (WNN/UN) United Nations, Geneva, SWITZERLAND, WESTERN EUROPE: As Syrians stream out of their country due to the crisis inside the region, the heads of two United Nations relief agencies have welcomed the hospitality of Syria’s neighbouring countries which are currently hosting some two
Bernardine Watson – The Washington Post – Wednesday 28 August, 2013 (originally published 27 August) Do you know the names Pauli Murray, Anne Braden or Septima Poinsette Clark?  Most people don’t. Neither did I until, prompted by the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs
Lynn Yeakel – Huffington Post – Monday, 26 August 2013 (originally published 20 Aug) The nation commemorates two anniversaries this month. Women’s Equality Day on August 26 is federal recognition of the day in 1920 when the 19th Amendment became law and women were granted the
We are taking a (well-earned) rest for two weeks from 23 August.   We will be back online week commencing 9 September 2013....Leggi Tutto
‘…in remembrance of lives devastated by the austerity programme’. According to figures from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), between January and November 2011, 10,600 people died during, or within six weeks, of being put through the Atos Work Capability Assessment (WCA)
What have toys got to do with violence against women? by Liz Ely, development worker for Zero Tolerance in Scotland. At Zero Tolerance our mission is to prevent violence against women before it occurs, which can only be achieved by eliminating its root cause, gender inequality. This is not an easy
Solomoni Biumaiono – Fiji Times – Thursday, 22 August 2013 (originally published 20 Aug) LUCILLE Sain is one of the pioneers who revived the youth movement in the Federated States of Micronesia which actively fought and was finally given recognition to the aspirations of the young
WNN Learning! (WNN/UNICEF) Bamako, MALI, WESTERN AFRICA: With the new school year in Mali starting on the 1st of October, UNICEF is scaling up efforts to give a school place to half a million children whose lives were disrupted by the conflict, seasonal flooding and nutrition crisis. Under the
WNN Breaking (WNN/UN) United Nations, New York, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: With the United Nations chemical weapons team working “around the clock” to expedite analyses of samples taken in Syria, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on Security Council members to unite and develop an
WNN Breaking (WNN/UNOPS) Port-au-Prince, HAITI, AMERICAS: A large-scale reconstruction project is benefiting more than 33,000 Haitian families whose neighborhoods were destroyed by the 2010 earthquake. The earthquake – one of the biggest disasters to hit an urban area – killed over 220,000 people
WNN Breaking     (WNN) Tehran, IRAN, SOUTHERN ASIA: An Iranian mother and her imprisoned son are on their ninth day of their hunger strike together as Iranian officials continue to ignore their pleas to stop conditions contributing to the deteriorating health of Iranian blogger Hossein
Richard Paul for VOA News – WNN GlobalARTS (WNN/VOA) Detroit, Michigan, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: For all its unity of purpose, there were many divisions in the civil rights movement. One of the most stark divisions played out in the music that urged the movement forward. When we think about
Suzanne Presto for VOA news – WNN Breaking (WNN/VOA) Washington, D.C., UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: In August of 1963, an estimated 250,000 people from across the country gathered for the March on Washington to call for racial equality.  The turnout on the National Mall was a credit to organizers
Marta Kasztelan from Phnom Penh – WNN Features (WNN) Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA, EASTERN ASIA: As Phnom Penh, Cambodia continues to be gripped by the forced eviction crisis, protests supporting the release of the most outspoken person in the ‘stop evictions’ movement in Cambodia also
Laurie Penny joins ‘women on Twitter’ debate with new essay. Author and leading feminist commentator Laurie Penny is entering the debate on Twitter, women and trolling with ‘Cybersexism’, a new essay that explores how the political map of human relations has been recently redrawn by
UN urges UK to ‘mitigate the impact of austerity measures on women and services provided to women’. The UN Committee dedicated to ending all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) has called on the UK government to step up its efforts regarding establishing gender equality in the
On 23 August No More Page 3 will be a whole year old! What can you do to mark 23 August? - Tell the world we want No More Page 3 and that 23 August is… No More Page 3 day! - And help make sure that as many people as possible get to hear [...]...Leggi Tutto
In Moscow, Britain’s women shone throughout the week. Britain’s track and field athletes achieved their target of six medals at last week’s world championships in Moscow, but only just. As the final evening of competition began, the British total stood at five. Britain’s