imageEqual Pay Day marks the point at which women working full-time effectively stop earning each year. Women working full-time still earn almost £5,000 a year less than men, though the pay gap in some jobs is three times bigger, according to a Trade Union Congress (TUC) analysis of official figures published to mark the UK’s Equal Pay Day. Eq... Equal Pay Day marks the point at which women working full-time effectively stop earning each year. Women working full-time still earn almost £5,000 a year less than men, though the pay gap in some jobs is three times bigger, according to a Trade Union Congress (TUC) analysis of official figures published to mark the UK’s Equal Pay Day. Equal Pay Day – which is
imageSeven saunas in Edinburgh have had their licences renewed following raids in June. Until recently, Edinburgh had employed something of a laissez faire approach to public policy surrounding prostitution. The city’s saunas – which are licensed as ‘entertainment venues&rsquo
Welcome to our weekly round-up of British women’s sports news and results from around the world. Football: The last domestic silverware went to Arsenal this week as they beat Lincoln Ladies 2-0 in the final of the Continental Cup at Barnet’s home, The Hive, on 4 October. Lincoln were always
Iran: Two executed in public in the city of BabolIran Human Rights, October 5: Two prisoners were hanged publicly in the city of Babol (northern Iran) today.According to the state run Iranian news agency Fars the prisoners were identified as "M. S." (37) and "A. T." (33), convicted of murdering four members of a family in Babol.The execution
WNN Breaking (WNN) Denver, Colorado, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: Fleeing the Syrian conflict isn’t getting any easier. In the past month approximately 59,000 Syrians have fled to northern Iraq, says Mines Advisory Group (MAG) in  a new release outlining current conditions. The trek from Syria to
And still no women’s academy, still no full time women’s coach. It has been, at best, a mixed week for cycling in Britain. The mood was optimistic when British Cycling chief Brian Cookson replaced the unpopular Pat McQuaid as president of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) on September 27, but
Recent figures from the ONS have been spun out of all proportion. There are more women in work than ever before! This is good news, I hear you cry. You’d have thought so, except some national newspapers have used the latest report on women in the labour market to lament the loss of
Julie Tomlin explains why the launch of Digital Women UK was so timely. August 2013 was an intense month for social media, women’s rights, feminism and race. Twitter has come under fire for dragging its heels over abuse on its site after the high profile trolling of bank note campaigner Caroline
Megan Rowling for TRF – WNN Breaking (WNN/TRF-Thomson Reuters Foundation) London, UK, WESTERN EUROPE: The Millennium Development Goal to halve the proportion of hungry people in the world is “within reach” but only if considerable extra effort is made immediately, U.N. food
New family planning technologies expand options for women. By Judy Manning and Zeda Rosenberg; a repost from Policy Innovations. The picture could not be clearer: A woman’s health and livelihood are threatened when modern family planning methods are out of her reach. On World Contraception
IRIN – WNN Breaking (WNN/IRIN) Dakar, SENEGAL, WESTERN AFRICA: Weeks of heavy rains that began in mid-August have left much of Mauritania’s capital city, Nouakchott, and six of the surrounding regions under water, creating “unprecedented” damage according to the Department
Staff reporter – Donegal Democrat - Monday, 30 September 2013 (originally published 26 Sept) Hi, my name is Vivian MacIntyre and it is 10 years since I wrote an article about my life in Donegal Town. At that time, my daughter Lia was 3 years old. Ten years have passed since then and Seamus
imageIt’s that time of year again.  The Movember campaign encourages men to sport follicle freestylings to raise awareness of men’s health issues, but what involvement can women have? And can letting it all grow out really change things? The Movember campaign began humbly
It’s not just the UK’s feminists fighting for the recognition of women’s role in history. Earlier this year British feminists launched a campaign to include a woman on banknotes because, ‘An all-male line-up on our banknotes sends out the damaging message that no woman has done
Indonesia: Top Officials Demand Death for Chief Justice Busted for BriberyThe arrest of the Constitutional Court’s chief justice on Wednesday night in a bribery sting has renewed calls to impose the death sentence in serious corruption cases, to serve as a deterrent.Tjatur Sapto Edy, a deputy chairman of the House of Representatives’ Commission III, which oversees legal
Competition for under-25s so they can share their hopes for the future of public transport. The challenge is to portray opinions, ideas and dreams about the accessibility of public transport in a short video of 5 x 5 seconds. The skill level needed is very basic; equipment is simply a mobile phone
UAE: Chloroform killer spared death penalty as victim's family cannot be foundDubai JailA murderer cannot face the death penalty because the courts are unable to find his victim's blood relatives.In cases where a victim's heirs cannot be found the local authority takes their place - in this case, the public prosecution.The Federal Supreme Court ruled that because the
A veteran campaigner, a food blogger and a woman facing cuts to her care allowance speak out. Hetty Bower, has been a peace activist and anti-poverty campaigner for the past 90 years. Invited to speak against austerity cuts, at a Labour Conference Fringe meeting in Brighton last week, she told her
SyndiGate – Albawaba – Wednesday, 02 October 2013 (originally published 30 Sept) Despite a recent World Bank report saying that Saudi Arabia tops the list of countries for laws that limit women’s economic potential, Saudi women are optimistic that empowerment among them is growing. The
Greg Flakus for VOA – WNN GlobalARTS (WNN/VOA) Houston, Texas, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: Art is considered part of the legacy of humankind that must be treasured and preserved. That can be a challenge in cities where temperature and humidity fluctuate over the course of the year. One such
White flowers, colourful banners, blocked roads; an autumn of disgust. Last weekend large area of Parliament Square in London was covered by white flowers to represent the more than 10,000 people who have died shortly after undergoing Work Capability Assessment, the degrading test used by the
Lys Anzia – WNN Commentary (WNN) New York, New York, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: Pakistan’s girls education hero Ms. Malala Yousafzai continued to inspire audiences as she made the rounds inside the United States this week urging others to bring the importance of her message, not her
Here are some dates for your diary of woman-centric events going on around the UK this week. Bristol: 1 October: Rape Crisis benefit and Vision of Trees live launch at Mr. Wolf’s Bristol, 33 St Stephen’s Street, Bristol. Hysterical Injury launch their latest single “Vision of Trees” in a benefit
imageDebenhams drops “girls” and “boys” signs after pressure from Let Toys Be Toys. High street chain Debenhams has announced it will be removing all “girls” and “boys” signage from their toy departments. The statement comes after a sustained
Larisa Epatko – PBS News – Monday, 07 October 2013 (originally published 30 Sept) In her early 20s, Jensine Larsen was working as a freelance journalist in Burma and the Amazon region of South America, and learned that many of the stories affecting women weren’t being reported in
Frud Bezhann for RFE/RL – WNN Breaking (WNN/RFE/RL) Kabul, AFGHANISTAN, SOUTHERN ASIA: When Wave of Change, a female-led political movement, was unveiled last week in Afghanistan, it was greeted with applause by women’s rights activists. The movement, led by influential female lawmaker
Hamas Hangs Gaza Man, Despite ProtestsGaza execution, Oct. 2, 2013 (AP Photo/Gaza Interior Ministry)GAZA CITY - Masked executioners in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip on Wednesday hanged a man who was convicted of stabbing to death an acquaintance over money, ignoring protests by human rights activists who say the territory's legal system is
Nita Bhalla – Thomson Reuters Foundation – Thursday, 03 October 2013 (originally published 30 Sept) ANAND, India, Sept 30 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Dressed in a green surgical gown and cap, British restaurateur Rekha Patel cradled her newborn daughter at the Akanksha clinic
A Labour government would appoint a national champion for victims of rape and domestic violence. Yvette Cooper, the shadow home secretary – who is also shadow minister for women and equalities – has claimed that women are less safe under a Coalition government because of cuts in
The party’s record is “not good enough”. The shockingly low number of female Liberal Democrat party (Lib Dem) MPs has led to calls for drastic change. Traditionally, all-women shortlists have been considered against the values of the party, but with the worst gender ratio record of all three major
Figures show women are still in lower paid and less skilled work than men. This is despite the fact that 67 per cent of women are now in work, compared to 53 per cent in 1971. The proportion of men in work over the same period has decreased from 92 per cent to 76 per [...]...Leggi Tutto
Alysa Landry – Indian Country – Tuesday, 01 October 2013 (originally published 30 Sept) Only four out of 100 residents of Montana’s Blackfeet Nation feel safe, according to Wendy Bremner, a victim’s specialist for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Children on this 3,000-square-mile
Ask condom companies to support access to contraception for girls and women by tweeting. The It Takes Two campaign is calling on all reproductive health product companies – but starting with condom companies – to take the lead in supporting increased access for contraceptive services around
Welcome to our weekly round-up of British women’s sports news and results from around the world. Football: There was a clean sweep for the home nations this week as they started their World Cup qualifying campaigns, journeying towards Canada in 2015. England began in impressive style with a