Stoolball is very similar to twenty20 cricket; fast, fun and exciting. And in Olympic year 2012, Stoolball England’s first ever attempt to stage an England Ladies fixture proved such a success that this year the governing body is extending the opportunity for players to participate not only at Under 21 level but also as senior [...]...Leggi Tutto
Refugees International – WNN Improve It (WNN/RI) Hatay, TURKEY, WESTERN ASIA: With at least two million Syrians now living in neighboring countries, refugees are struggling to cope with life in exile and aid agencies, host communities, and receiving countries are overwhelmed by myriad
Misha Hussain for TRF – WNN Improve It (WNN/TRF) London, Great Britain, UNITED KINGDOM, WESTERN EUROPE: Seasonal malaria chemoprophylaxis (SMC) and work on developing a malaria vaccine are bringing new hope in the battle against the disease that claims over 600,000 lives every year. What
Trends in work and caregiving are impacting on the lives of older women today. Balancing care responsibilities and work is becoming increasingly difficult, particularly for older women: a ‘sandwich generation’ is emerging, whose members are caught between providing care for both grandchildren and
Brittney Cooper – Salon – Thursday, 12 September 2013 (originally published 10 Sept) Ben Jealous’ announcement that he will step down from the leadership of the NAACP, the oldest Black civil rights organization, opens up a space for an African American woman to the lead the organization
UK figures show a 9 per cent rise in human trafficking since the last assessment period in 2011. The United Kingdom Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC) has reviewed human trafficking figures in the United Kingdom (UK) and identified prevalent forms of exploitation suffered by victims in an assessment
Lobna Ismail and Alex Kronemer – WNN SOAPBOX (WNN/CGN) Washington, D.C., UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: The power of the American story — E Pluribus Unum. The idea that out of many nations, sects and ethnicities, a community, united and strengthened by its very diversity, can still emerge as one
It’s time PETA tried to campaign for animal rights without objectifying women.  Yet again, the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) couldn’t quite campaign on an animal rights issue without using women’s bodies. They wrote an open letter to the National
The number of women apprentices may have increased, but women are still doing the poorly paid jobs. Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and a member of Holyrood’s economy committee, has challenged Scotland’s First Minister Alec Salmond to do more to help women play a full part in
Ivan Gutterman – Washington Post – Monday, 09 September 2013 (originally published  05 Sept) MOSCOW — A group of young women want to send a message to the mostly male leaders of the Group of 20 nations meeting in St. Petersburg this week: Don’t forget us. Over the summer, young women
The dominant view of women and exercise centres around a presumption of vanity that rarely exists. Female runners, it seems, have an incredible amount to worry about. And I’m not talking about the kind of workaday, logical worries all runners face, such as the ever-present spectre of stress
Grace Wambui – WNN SOAPBOX (WNN) Nairobi, KENYA, EASTERN AFRICA: FGM prevalence in Kenya is rampart in Africa, particularly in the rural Kenyan areas. Girls as young as 2-years-old have had to face the knife, but the most common ages are 7 to 10 years of age. Lesalian is a 10-year-old girl
Alice Su – Middle East Monitor – Friday, 13 September 2013 (originally published  10 Sept) Sally Ahmed Zarir works in a newsroom inside a refugee camp. Zarqa, Jordan’s industrial centre 12 miles northeast of Amman, is home to over 50 per cent of Jordanian’s factories, a 15.9
Another retailer pledges to stop labelling toys as gender-specific. When was the last time you saw an advertisement featuring a girl playing with an engineering kit? Or a boy playing with a doll? The concept that certain toys are for boys and others for girls is set to change, as an increasing
Has The Sun’s pictures of young women showing their breasts made you feel uncomfortable at work? From the No More Page 3 campaign. We have lost count of the number of stories we’ve heard from supporters made to uncomfortable in their workplace owing to the images on Page 3 of The Sun
Call for funding for more independent female advisors to support rape victims through the legal process. A third of women believe there are varying degrees of rape, according to new figures. The same proportion also think if a woman does not fight back, then she cannot have experienced rape. One
A Staff Reporter – India West - Wednesday, 11 September 2013 (originally published 08 September 2013) Over 100,000 girls and women in South Asia are set to benefit from a new initiative by the International Labor Organization and the UK Department for International Development, which aims to
By Gabriella Apicella, guest writer on Bitch Flicks When was the last time you cried in a movie theatre? The last time you were so moved by a film you needed everyone else to leave before ungluing yourself from the seat and attempting to process what you’ve experienced? Or the last time you saw
Kandeh K. Yumkella – Eco-Business – Tuesday, 10 September 2013 (originally published 06 Sept) In the lead up to the UN General Assembly, the Skoll World Forum partnered with Johnson & Johnson, the United Nations Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to produce an
WNN Breaking (WNN/UN) United Nations, Geneva, SWITZERLAND, WESTERN EUROPE: As the main United Nations human rights body began its work today on a range of topics, the world body’s top rights official said little doubt remains that chemical weapons were used in Syria and she urged a political
Some dates for your diary of woman-centric events going on around the UK this week. Bolton: 14 September: Bolton Protest and March against the Bedroom Tax at 1pm at Victoria Square, Bolton. Those affected and/or offended by the government’s bedroom tax are invited to meet on the steps of
Lys Anzia – WNN Breaking (WNN) Ottowa, Ontario, CANADA, AMERICAS: As the line is being drawn between those who do, and those who do not, believe military action is a solution to Syria’s increasing conflict, six women Nobel Peace Prize Laureates have marked the line to say that they do
Lucine Kasbarian – WNN Features (WNN) Boston, Massachusetts, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: Sexual slavery, forced labor and the extraction of body organs: These are the most common reasons for human trafficking, which represents an estimated $32 billion per year in international trade. In 2008
Recently released figures are ‘shocking and disturbing’. Despite an increase in the number of victims reporting domestic violence and abuse (DV), the police are referring fewer cases for prosecution than they were two years ago. Figures, revealed by a Freedom of Information request made
Lameck Masina for VOA – WNN Breaking (WNN/UN) Blantyre, MALAWI, EASTERN AFRICA:  Malawi and the United Nations are stepping up efforts to prevent obstetric fistula cases and to help more women already suffering with the condition. Considered a condition born of poverty, obstetric fistula can
Explicit references to gender to be removed, images to show boys and girls enjoying the same toys. From the Let Toys Be Toys campaign. Toy retail giant Toys “R” Us has just committed to being more inclusive in its marketing of toys to girls and boys. This was announced follows a
Women’s Aid seeks to address worrying levels of online stalking and harassment of women and girls. Last week Women’s Aid held a cyber stalking and harassment conference in London, and an expert panel discussed the impact of online abuse against women across England. The conference
The sex industry is bound to respond, so we need to make sure they hear a wide range of views. The Scottish government wants to create a new licensing regime for venues that offer ‘sexual entertainment’ i.e. strip clubs and lap-dancing clubs. This includes a suggestion that communities should be
Aru Pande for VOA – WNN Breaking (WNN/VOA) New Delhi, INDIA, SOUTHERN ASIA: A fast-track court in the Indian capital has found four men guilty in last year’s brutal gang rape and killing of a young woman that rocked the country and sparked massive demonstrations. Calls for justice were heard
England’s women regain the Ashes in spectacular style to match the achievement of the men’s team. After the test match at Wormsley was drawn, there all was to play for in the remaining limited overs matches. Each side was awarded two points for the draw, but in truth, Australia would have
Bridget Christie won Foster’s comedy award for best show at the 2013 Edinburgh Fringe. Reader, she won it. Those funny lot up there at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland have gone and awarded Bridget Christie the Foster’s 2013 comedy award for best show. The show, called ‘A Bic for her’ and
Here are some of the highlights we missed while we were on our break: Cricket: England’s women regained the Ashes, winning the series by 12-4. For a longer write-up of the series, watch out for my article later on in the week. Elsewhere, Kent won the women’s T20 title after beating reigning
IRIN – UNOCHA Humanitarian News and Analysis – WNN Improve It (WNN/IRIN) Dakar, SENEGAL, WESTEN AFRICA: Difficulty reaching conflict or disaster-hit communities slows down aid delivery, hampers assessment and can lead to groups in remote areas being left out of the aid equation
Rae Langton - New York Times – Friday, 06 September 2013 (originally published 04 Sept) “How many philosophers does it take to change a light bulb?” “It depends what you mean by ‘change’…” That joke pokes gentle fun at a popular caricature: the chin-stroking grey-beard, with his fetish for