WNN Breaking (WNN/VOA) Berkeley, California, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: As global temperatures rise, so do our levels of hostility and violence, according to a new study. Scientists from the University of California, Berkeley and Princeton University  discovered a strong link between shifts in climate to human violence around the world.  The study f...Leggi Tutto
Rene Kiamba – WNN Science and Health (WNN/USAID) Nairobi, KENYA, EASTERN AFRICA: At the Africa regional conference of the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) held last month in Nairobi, Kenya, one thing was clear. In order to meet the United Nations Millennium Development Goal (MDG)
Mabvuto Banda - IPS - Thursday, 07 August 2013 (originally published 03 Aug) LILONGWE, Aug 3 2013 (IPS) - Malawi’s President Joyce Banda knows a thing or two about women’s empowerment. After all she is the first female southern African head of state. But she has not had it easy. Banda had a tough
Launched of attempt to tackle sexual assault and harassment on London’s transport networks. The 2,000 police officers who monitor London’s buses, trains and underground have been trained to deal with sexual offences and victims as part of Project Guardian, which was launched on 22 July. Project
WNN Breaking (WNN/RFE/RL) Baku, Azerbaijan, EASTERN EUROPE/WESTERN ASIA: RFE/RL (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty) calls upon the Azerbaijani government to investigate a blackmail and intimidation campaign against investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova, following the July 26 release of a new
Zhang Hongping – All-China Women’s Federation – Wednesday, 07 August 2013 (originally published 05 Aug) A training course aimed at promoting the development of urban and rural women in Nyingchi Prefecture, southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, opened on July 25, 2013
Supporters of a charity in Coventry will be sleeping rough to raise funds. The Kairos Sleepout is a fundraising event where a team of staff, volunteers and Friends of Kairos Women Working Together (WWT) will be  sleeping rough in a car park in  Central Coventry. And they need more people to join
The debate about whether breast is best goes back further than you might think. The biomedical industry certainly threw fuel on the fiery debate about infant feeding when it began developing alternatives to human milk in the late nineteenth-century. But don’t think that’s when the discussions over
Exotification – I’m not your Pretty Little Lotus Flower. Guest post by Joy Goh-Mah Joy’s Story “I love Asian women!” “Asian women are so hot.” “Japan, Korea, China?” “Asian women know how to treat a man!” Do any of these phrases sound familiar to you? If they do, congratulations, you’ve come across
Some dates for your diary of woman-centric events going on around the UK this week. Art: Until 8 September: Keep Your Timber Limber (Works on Paper) at Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), The Mall, London, SW1Y ‘Keep Your Timber Limber (Works on Paper)’ explores how artists from the
Ahmad Husein and Madeline Wilson for the IFRC – WNN Breaking (WNN/IFRC) Sumatra, INDONESIA, ASIA PACIFIC: One month after a 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck Aceh Province, Indonesia, the Red Cross continues to provide support to affected communities. Over 52,000 people were forced to flee
Issa Yussuf – All Africa – Friday, 02 August 2013 (originally published 31 Jul) Zanzibar — IN a bid to prove their strength and determination,ten women in Kikungwi coastal Village, about 48 Kilometres, South of the Zanzibar stone town have constructed their own houses without any help
Golnaz Esfandiari for RFE/RL – WNN Justice (WNN/RFE/RL) Tehran, IRAN, SOUTHERN ASIA: A group of prominent Iranian women’s rights activists and intellectuals have outlined some of their main demands for President-elect Hassan Rohani, who spoke against gender discrimination during his campaign
A play featuring the Delhi rape case goes to the Edinburgh Fringe. The story of the young Delhi woman who was gang-raped and left for dead has been brought to the stage in a piece that has just had its fifth public performance at London’s Riverside Studios, and is now to open at the Edinburgh
WNN Earth Watch (WNN/NOAA) Boulder, Colorado, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS:  The nation’s 28 National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) are experiencing the negative effects of human and climate-related stressors according to a new NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research
Italy Correspondent Valeria Marchetti - WNN Features (WNN) Rome, ITALY, WESTERN EUROPE: In Italy prostitution is not illegal. What is outlawed is the exploitation of prostitution. Many sex workers on the street deal with pimps and the harshness in the physical realities of the industry. Women
Help needs to be about finding the right way for a mother to feed her child. The general consensus is that in the majority of cases breast feeding gives a baby the best possible start in life. So what happens when breast feeding simply doesn’t work for a mother and her baby? I spoke with
The difference between the ranges of clothing available for men and women… Guest post by Connie Cramp. For almost two years now I have been working in a well-known shop specialising in outdoor equipment. I took the job because I grew up in a family that had a passion for the outdoors, and I
Máire Devine – Journal ie – Tuesday, 06 August 2013 (originally published 05 Aug) CÁ BHFUIL Mná na hEireann? What tributes does Dublin City have to women?  The time is long past for a sexual democracy in how we name and honour the women of Ireland in its capital city. While there is a
Mallika Dutt – Daily Beast – Monday, 05 August 2013 (originally published 28 Jul) Last week Stanley Fish wrote insightfully in The New York Times about the “implicit affirmation of a code of manliness” with “stand your ground.” The law, Fish wrote, “is more than a declaration of a
Welcome back to our weekly bulletin of British women’s sporting results from around the globe. Judo: A year to the day since she won bronze at London 2012, Britain’s most decorated international judoka Karina Bryant has announced her retirement from professional judo. The 34 year-old
Michaela Haas – WNN Religion & Belief (WNN) Santa Barbara, California, AMERICAS: There is no hope for a female pope, but there might be one for a female Buddhist leader. When Pope Francis washed the feet of two young women during Easter, this provoked the criticism of conservative
Portraying women as nothing more than objects to be looked at is unacceptable in the 21st century. The UK’s biggest teaching union, the National Union of Teachers (NUT), has thrown its backing behind the campaign calling on David Dinsmore, Editor of the Sun, to drop page 3. The support comes as the
Page three of the Irish Sun no longer shows bare breasts. The Irish edition of Rupert Murdoch’s tabloid has adopted a more covered-up approach to the ‘glamour shot’, with this week’s ‘stars’ including former Miss World Rosanna Davison and Dutch model Sylvie van der
The Independent becomes the first national paper to pledge to cover as much women’s sport as men’s. Over the last year, hundreds of column inches have recorded how the London Olympics showed sport at its best: welcoming, uplifting, and above all inclusive. The performances by female athletes made a
WNN GlobalARTS (WNN/Syria Untold) Damascus, SYRIA, WESTERN ASIA: When Syrians took to the streets in March 2011, they rebelled not only against the ruling Assad family, but also against the obscurantism that had been imposed on them for decades. Art as a whole, and music in particular, have played
New research has found that women know less about politics than men, even in wealthy countries. The study, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, revealed that the gap in political awareness is actually the widest in affluent countries and countries that promote gender equality. The UK
A few weeks ago, for the very first time, I breastfed my baby in public. Guest post from Cassandra Fox. Nothing to trouble the squeamish – I was just sat in a cafe, amongst a clientèle largely made up of other mothers, with a strategically-placed muslin cloth saving my modesty. For many
Calling on the Crown Prosecution Service @cpsuk: take action over “sexual predator” court comments. Guest post from Jo at Everyday Victim Blaming. Trigger warning: this petition text contains references to sexual assault that may be triggering to survivors. Yesterday, a man walked free from
Show respect to benefits claimants and the unemployed. Respect for Benefits Claimants and the Unemployed aims to bring together groups of claimants campaigning against cuts and combat the negative stories that appear all too regularly in most of the press about them. Its Facebook page shares news
Baby-led weaning is simple. It is about teaching a child how to feed itself, when it is hungry. Science, health and fitness are subjects of interest to me, and I marvel at the engineering and care, management and repair facilities of the human body, so making the decision to breastfeed my baby was
Threats are simply not acceptable; Twitter pledges to do more to tackle abusive behaviour. The classicist and TV presenter professor Mary Beard has been sent a bomb threat on Twitter hours after Twitter’s UK boss apologised to women who have received abusive Tweets. And Beard, who has been sent
Homeless women have specific needs which the sector does not seem particularly good at meeting. St Mungo’s run accommodation and support projects for homeless people. ‘Rebuilding Shattered Lives’ is its current national 18-month campaign to raise awareness of women’s homelessness, to
More than 80,000 people sign petition for return of the ‘Tour de France Feminin’. You may not know this but the Tour de France has a reigning women’s champion in the shape of British cyclist Emma Pooley. She won the race in 2009, and since it hasn’t been staged since, technically she