Anddy Sierra Alvarez for IWPR – WNN Breaking (WNN/IWPR) Havana, CUBA, AMERICAS: The Cuban government is cracking down hard on weekly protest marches by Damas de Blanco dissident group in the western city of Cárdenas. For more than three months, activists say, they have been harassed, arrested and beaten in an attempt to prevent them... Anddy Sierra Alvarez for IWPR – WNN Breaking (WNN/IWPR) Havana, CUBA, AMERICAS: The Cuban government is cracking down hard on weekly protest marches by Damas de Blanco dissident group in the western city of Cárdenas. For more than three months, activists say, they have been harassed, arrested and beaten in an attempt to prevent them […]Leggi
imageIn the last 5 years, the Georgia Supreme Court has considered 8 cases where lower courts threw out a death sentence handed down by a trial jury. Each time, Georgia's highest court reinstated the original sentence. That result pleases prosecutors, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
image…and Gives Out Hugs, and Flies a Spaceship. Our regular cross-post from Bitchflicks. By Rachel Redfern. At a spry 78 years old, Sir Patrick Stewart is just as popular as he was 25 years ago in ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’, perhaps even more so now as his persona has
image'Criteria for capital punishment not met' India on Thursday rejected media reports that two Italian marines may face capital punishment there for the deaths of 2 Indian fishermen. "The case does not meet the criteria for crimes punishable by death," government spokesperson Syed
image“The change in women’s behaviour across the three surveys has been remarkable.” Sexual behaviour and attitudes in Britain have changed in recent decades, according to results published in The Lancet as part of the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles
imageLONDON, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- More than 850 British nationals are currently in overseas prisons for drug-related offences, said the Foreign Office on Thursday. They are serving sentences from months to up to 39 years, it said. "Some drug crimes can lead to even more severe penalties, and
imageTwo Executions Scheduled for Tomorrow in Southern Iran Iran Human Rights, November 27: Four prisoners were hanged in the southern Iranian city of Bandar Abbas today, reported the official Iranian news agency. Three of the prisoners, who were not identified by name, were convicted of
Christina Rose for Indian Country Today – WNN Justice (WNN/ICT) Pine Ridge, South Dakota, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: Twins Sunny and Serena Clifford, Oglala, come face-to-face with their future in the documentary, “Young Lakota,” which aired on PBS’s  Independent Lens
image‘A retrograde oppressive step, and ethically, morally and legally unjustifiable’. by Tina PJ. I am assuming the call for a blanket legal ban on the wearing of a burqa would also mean a ban on the niqab, as the burqa and niqab are the particular styles of Islamic female dress
Teresa Lamas – WNN Improve It (WNN) Madrid, SPAIN, WESTERN EUROPE: Congolese journalist Caddy Adzuba Furaha has for years been reporting on the sexual aggressions suffered by the women of her country where thousands of women have been and continue to be used as weapons of war. Reporting on
imageOn Dec. 3, Jerry Duane Martin is slated to be the final inmate Texas puts to death this year. He was convicted and sentenced to die five years ago for the 2007 murder of Texas Department of Criminal Jus­tice prison guard Susan Canfield during a prison escape. Martin and an accomplice
Pooja Bhatia – Ozy – Wednesday, 27 November 2013 (originally published 19 Nov) There’s a fairy godmother up in Harlem named Kathryn Finney. These days, she’s wont to describe herself like this: “Big hair, even bigger ideas.” What’s the big idea? It’s
imageCourt rejects appeal of convict who pled for lighter sentence, saying he threw baby on the street because he mistook her for groceries The Beijing High People's Court today rejected the appeal of a man who killed a 2-year-old during a carpark altercation with its mother, upholding the
imageNovember 28, 2013: The court of appeal of the city of Casablanca, Morocco, sentenced the murderer and rapist of an 8-year old child to death penalty, Moroccan TV channel 2M reported. The incident happened in April 2012 in the city of Mohammedia (30 Km from Casablanca) when the rapist
imageMJ Delaney’s film is a frank portrayal of female friendship. Writer Rachel Hirons, and director MJ Delaney, describe ‘Powder Room’ - an all British and all female production –  “an antidote to all those types of films that don’t pass the Bechdel
imageHamid Karzai's government backs away from reintroduction of brutal punishment after outcry Afghanistan's government has backed away from a proposal to reintroduce public stoning as a punishment for adultery after the leak of a draft law stirred up a storm of international condemnation.
WNN Breaking (WNN) Denver, Colorado, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: The history of Thanksgiving Day in the United States is most often attributed to President Abraham Lincoln who made the Proclamation of Thanksgiving Day on October 3, 1863 saying that the day should  be set aside to give thanks in
imageFootball clubs announce significant new investment in women’s grassroots football.  A new scheme will provide £2.4 million in funding to help get 40,000 more women and girls across the country playing football. This scheme is a collaboration between the Football Association
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter for The Elders – WNN Religion & Belief (WNN/The Elders) London, U.K., WESTERN EUROPE:  One of the most powerful truths in my Christian faith is that I and all other people are equal in the eyes of God. Many believers of all religions &ndash
WNN Breaking (WNN) London, England, U.K., WESTERN EUROPE: Offering new funding that is hoping to increase the involvement of Afghan women in the upcoming elections in Afghanistan, the U.K. is providing $30.11 million (USD) to help boost women’s involvement in Afghanistan’s political
imageGingerbread campaigns to stop single parents being charged to use the new Child Maintenance Service. The Child Support Agency, which has been in place since 1993, is being phased out and will be replaced next year by the Child Maintenance Service. It used to be free to get help from the
imageThe Government of the Republic of South Sudan should publicly disclose information about its use of the death penalty. South Sudan's prison service carried out at least four executions this November. Two men convicted of murder were hanged in Juba on 12 November. Two others were killed in
imageOnce again he failed to take seriously the effects of the sexualised representation of women in the U.K. media. By Stephanie Davies-Arai. November 25th is End Violence Against Women Day. According to a 2013 WHO global study, 35 per cent of women worldwide, and nationally up to 70 per cent of
imageOur anti-trafficking response is failing victims. Calls are being made for a victim-centred approach in the UK’s anti-trafficking response after three women have allegedly lived unnoticed as slaves in London for a 30-year period. The UK has been shocked and shaken by this story of
imageRas Al Khaimah: Two men who killed their close friend after repeatedly running him over with their car on a beach have been given the death sentence. The duo, identified as N.A., 28, and A.A., 37, both Emirati, told police they planned to murder their 34-year-old friend (who had no
David Chew – Variety – Friday, 29 November 2013 (originally published 26 Nov) It’s sadly not surprising that an angry film about pedophilia, and a closed society’s horrifically inept efforts to confront it, still needed to be made in Iran. Nor should we be complacent about
imageDifferent aspects of women’s lives explored by two different arts forms. An exhibition by eight contemporary artists and designer makers has just opened which explores the influence of domestic heritage. Called ‘On My Mother’s Knee ‘ it is being curated on the premise
imageDesrues sur le bûcher, 1777 Bruno Lenoir et Jean Diot. Ces noms ne vous disent peut-être pas grand chose et pourtant, ils font partie de l'histoire de l'homosexualité.  En 1750, ce furent les deux derniers hommes exécutés pour raison
IRIN – UN humanitarian news and analysis for WNN Breaking (WNN/IRIN) Bangkok, THAILAND, SOUTH-EASTERN ASIA: Cash transfers can play a key role in the economic recovery of individuals, small enterprises, and local and regional trading in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan, say experts
Jody Williams for The Nobel Women’s Initiative – WNN SOAPBOX (WNN/NWI) Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA, AMERICAS: This Friday, to mark the eighth anniversary of the International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, we will celebrate women around the world standing on the frontlines. These women
Annette Wagner – WNN GlobalARTS (WNN) Healdsburg, California, UNITED STATES, AMERICAS: I love the way the road wanders through the Alexander Valley in northern California which is often shrouded in mist and moss-draped oaks. Every time I make my way through the valley, my artist eye leaps at
imageIran Human Rights, November 26: According to reliable sources in Iran eleven prisoners, among them one woman, were hanged in the Ghezelhesar prison of Karaj (west of Tehran). The female prisoner was transferred from the Gharchak prison of Varamin to Ghezelhesar for execution. The
imageA vivid portrait of the pressures and insecurities faced by young women. Powder Room – a comedy with an all female cast and set in the private space of a female public toilet- follows a group of women on a night out in a London club. Sam (Sheridan Smith) is there with glamorous
Valeria Marchinetti – WNN Features (WNN) Rome, ITALY, WESTERN EUROPE: “When you put your eyes on this report, despite all the louder sounds around you, what you can hear is, above all, silence. All the words you can read in this dossier is like a punch in your stomach. Someone will say