Eva Saulitis

Leaving Resurrection. Chronicles of a Whale Scientist

Eva Saulitis è una biologa che ha dedicato moltissimi anni allo studio delle balene; in questo libro intreccia ricordi sulle seu esperienze a considerazioni sul rapporto fra scienza e filosofia, rappresentando al contempo il drammatico stato in cui versano l'ambiente naturale e la vita selvatica.
Eva Saulitis brings the curious and probing mind of a scientist and the heart of a poet to Leaving Resurrection, her new - and first - collection of essays. Set mostly in and around the waters of Alaska's Gulf Coast (but with forays to the Interior), these intensely personal essays explore her relationship with the land- and seascape, with the scientific method and indigenous ways of knowing, with friends and family and other researchers, and with the killer whales that keep bringing her back to Prince William Sound, Resurrection Bay, and the Gulf of Alaska. But more than anything, I think, the essays present Eva's attempts to understand her internal landscape and her place in the world.
Before reading the book, I'd met Eva a couple of times at literary events, so I know her, but only casually. My initial impressions of her didn't prepare me at all for what I found in the book; many of the essays explore the darker, shadow side of being human while reflecting upon fear, anxieties, depression, isolation, suicide, and other tragedies both human and more than human. While she describes the life of a scientist, Saulitis bares the heart and soul of a poet in these pages. At times the pain and darkness were almost too much; as one who also tends to agonize and worry, I wished she wouldn't be so hard on herself. But the strength of the writing and story-telling - and her own courageous spirit and the hopeful side of her nature - carried this reader through and at times lifted me up. It showed me more of what's possible, in both stories and being human. There is great power to be found in these essays, just as there's power - and healing - to be found in exploring the shadow sides of ourselves, our families, our culture. I know with certainty that I'll return to some of Eva's stories again. (by Bill Sherwonit)

Tipologia di Libro: Saggio

Libro edito da: Boreal Books

Anno di pubblicazione: 2008

Argomenti Trattati: storia naturale e ambiente - biografie