Malalai Joya

Raising my voice

Malalai Joya is the youngest and most famous female MP in Afghanistan, whose bravery and vision have won her an international following. She made world headlines with her very first speech, in which she courageously denounced the presence of warlords in the new Afghan government. She has spoken out for justice ever since, and for the rights of women in the country she loves. Raising My Voice shares her extraordinary story. Born during the Russian invasion and spending her youth in refugee camps, Malalai Joya describes how she first became a political activist. When she returned to Afghanistan, the country was under the grip of the Taliban and she ran a secret school for girls. A popular MP with her constituents, she received global support when she was suspended from parliament in 2007 because of her forthright views. Edizione italiana: "Finché avrò voce", Piemme ed., settembre 2011

Tipologia di Libro: Saggio

Libro edito da: Scribner/Simon & Schuster

Anno di pubblicazione: 2009

Argomenti Trattati: Donne nel mondo islamico -